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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Fog and Isolation: Pandemic

I woke up to a thick, enveloping fog this morning, when my body wouldn't let me stay in bed any longer. My weather app advised me of dense fog - reduced visibility - travel with caution. But I don't have to go out right now. There is sun out there, beyond the fog, and its beginning to blaze through. It's exhilarating, knowing there's a beautiful world out there that I can't see right now. What's around me is beautiful and exciting, though. I can't resist walking in it, breathing it, looking all around. Stella heard me walking on the gravel and came to accompany me.
Peter in the Bible wrote 2000 years ago, but it seems appropriate to today (I Peter 5:9), "[Be] steadfast in your faith, for you know that your brothers and sisters in all the world are undergoing the same kind of suffering." Read the next verse, too.

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